To read, is to live.
Torrie’s Cozy Corner was created 28 years ago; when a little girl layed in her bed; looking up at her father reading to her. His deep voice shrouded her in warmth and comfort, his dark brown eyes looking at hers in-between sentences, reminded her of how safe she was. Under his protective wings, traveling to new worlds and dazzling places from the comfort of her own home. Every night a new story, a new world, a new beginning, and a new adventure. My Mom with her soft voice, her gentle gaze, and her warm hand moving my hair behind my ears, every few pages. I was nurtured young to take sure delight in the words of others, words that carried me away. Torrie’s Cozy Corner was created when my love of books was born. So, with twenty-eight years in the making, I present Torrie’s Cozy Corner, a home away from home.
Torrie’s Cozy Corner, saving one imagination at a time.