It all begins with opening the cover.
Torrie’s Cozy Corner is a reading show made for kids. It is a simple engaging video series. Victoria aka Torrie reads small short stories, and novels if requested; to children. Inspired to read to her nieces, nephews, and God Children, TCC was created. Making it a place to visit with her family, even though there’s distance. TCC is for any person regardless of age that wants to be reminded of their childhood, or the actual children it’s aimed for. Victoria is a warm breath of fresh air, from her sweetness, kind voice, to her adorable smile, she’ll be a best friend to your child. Some of her Inspirations are Steve from Blue’s Clues, but mostly Levar Burton from Reading Rainbow. The love of reading is a strong passion of hers, and she hopes it will be yours too.
Victoria aka Torrie is doing the show, and everything in-between by herself. Everything you see is inspired and done by her. If you’d like to donate to keep TCC online. Please contact her. Thank You for believing in the Dream!